If you are Franklin County Resident and wish to gain entry into Franklin County after a disaster, we ask that you apply for a re-entry tag.

Re-entry tags streamline the process of allowing resident to check on their homes and businesses after a disaster. They identify you as a resident of the county so you do not have to pull out all your documentation for proof of residency at a re-entry check point. Tags are color coded to identify what zone of the county you are allowed to return to.



  • Apalachicola & West: Blue
  • Eastpoint: Red
  • St. George Island: Orange
  • Carrabelle: Yellow
  • Lanark Village & East: Green

These tags due not expire, so long as you keep up with it and your address does not change you do not have to reapply for one.

To apply for a re-entry tag, complete the form below and attach proof of residency

Apply Online

Downloadable Application

Acceptable forms of Residency Verification (only one form of residency is needed, this must have the residents name and the address you are applying for).

  • Water/Power/Cable Bill
  • Tax Form for property
  • Property Appraiser property information
  • Voter Registration
  • Driver’s License 


Send form via email/fax/mail to:

Jessica Lockhart, SPN Coordinator
Franklin County Emergency Management
28 Airport Rd
Apalachicola Fl 32320
Email: jessical@franklincountyflorida.com
Fax: 850-653-3643

Once the EOC is activated, NO RE-ENTRY TAGS WILL BE ISSUED.